Have you encountered over the last year a recurring thought nudging you to answer “what am I doing in this job or is this job what I aspire to?”
Managers often misconceive the performance appraisal period. When both parties are well prepared, it is a worthwhile endeavour. If on the contrary, there is missing or inaccurate information, it can create uncomfortable conversations before, during and after the session.
Business coaching can essentially be measured in the quality of your relationships at work.
Owning your truth or having self-knowledge is key to communicating with eloquence and clarity. Difficult conversations call you to courageously express your views and feelings in a way that both you and the other party feel empowered after the conversation.
How many times have you muttered to yourself, “this is a waste of time”, “get to the point”, “why was I invited to this meeting anyway?”
During coaching and leadership development classes, I am frequently asked “How do I motivate my employees, co-workers and even myself?”